Nashville’s Hack for the Community event is culminating this weekend with a 36-hour straight hackathon. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill endeavor with prizes and ribbons awarded to the cleverest solution. Instead, this three-day event features local programmers, coders and developers who are all getting together to focus on the specific needs of local nonprofits and creating meaningful solutions for these organizations.

Advanced Network Solutions has partnered with the Nashville Opera, host of the event, and HCA, the event sponsor, to achieve a successful opening day and what’s sure to be an outstanding weekend. We would like to give a big shout out to the members of our team who assisted with the set up Wi-Fi for 250 people and all connected devices in Nashville Opera’s building.

Several of ANS’ own nonprofit clients will be recipients of the solutions that come out of Nashville’s Hack for the Community event and we are very proud to participate in making sure this event is a success.

To learn more about the Hack for the Community Program and how you can get involved, visit